Four must do items for a healthy financial life in this new year!
1) Review your investment plan. The beginning of each year is an excellent opportunity to closely evaluate performance. Rebalancing is important to
maintain proper asset allocation. Risk tolerance is also very important. Investors tend to take on uncomfortable levels of risk in rising markets. When market volatility returns they realize that the hard way.
2) Review Retirement Account Contributions.
Be sure that you are taking full advantage of any matching contributions by your employer. Contribute
to an IRA. If you've been investing in a plan and will in 2019 reach the age of 70 1/2 don't forget about the Required Minimum Distribution RMD.
3) Create or update a Will. Prepare or update your beneficiary designations. Decide if you need an estate plan. Make or update end of life documents like a health care directive.
4) Bunch your Charitable Deductions.The standard deduction has nearly doubled to $12,000 for single filers and to $24,000 for marrieds filing jointly. Make two or three years' worth of charitable donations in one year, like 2019. Then, in the next year or two, take the standard deduction instead of itemizing. Your total deductions of all kinds over the two or three years could easily exceed the deductions you'd get by spreading your contributions evenly over several years and itemizing.
As a Registered Investment Advisor I offer independent
objective ideas and 35 years of investing experience.
Contact me for a free consultation.